Why I Created MisFit Moms

I believe every mom has

world changing, life shaking, and awe inspiring ideas that are all too often left unshared.

Brilliant ideas.

Hidden under dirty laundry, self-doubt, and undirected busyness.

Misfitmoms is here to Smash the mold of the unattainable perfect mom.

Celebrate the uniqueness of every mom.

Throw aside the chains of conformity and fear

To unleash the powerful force of motherly love

I want moms to know the value they are to their families, each other, and our future

“Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

As moms we are fueled with the strongest force in the world, humble love. Therefore motherhood has the potential to be the most empowering mission of our lives. Let’s stop letting comparison, self- doubt, lack of external validation, and daily nuisances rob our children of the awesome, one of a kind, passion filled, purpose driven, love fueled mom that God had chosen us to be.

It’s Time To Stop

I’ve wasted enough time feeling guilty about all the things I’m not, and fretting about the experiences and opportunities that others have.

I’ve dwelt in anxiety and sadness over feelings that I’m never quite enough for far too long. I choose to face my own weaknesses fearlessly and just step aside and enjoy the good I do have. There is so much to be grateful for when we simply look in a different direction when the view we are staring at isn’t working for us.

 The Challenge

Yes, motherhood is full of challenges. But every one of our challenges can make us stronger, wiser, a role model of perseverance, and draw us closer to God. If we choose to win instead of whine. But sometimes that is so hard to do alone. When we seek out opportunities to empower and encourage one another, we cannot help but gain strength for ourselves along the journey.

Our next generation faces an epidemic of obesity, the distorted reality of a “virtual” world, a battle for individuality and wholesomeness in a mass produced society, and a constantly plugged in culture that could lose the ability to authentically connect. These challenges threaten our children’s health, lifestyle, emotional intelligence and connection to nature, self, and God.

Our MisFit Mom Quest

Let’s embrace our differences and join together to discover and share the inner superpowers within each mom to make the future better for all.

Let’s make this generation a revolutionary advancement in family fitness, faith and finances.

As moms we have the power of love, intuition, and influence to equip our children with real grounded faith, fitness and financial sense to stay real, let’s use it.

Let’s get out of the smart phone trance and off the high speed treadmill, and live out our God given purpose with intention, power, and passion.

Will You Help?

Just like motherhood has been a journey beyond my expectations

I am sure this online community will take many twists and turns as we learn and grow together

I definitely don’t have all the answers.

But I truly believe together we can make huge strides in mom wellness way faster than we can alone.

Join Us.  Click Here To Get New Products and Ideas As We Grow

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